Reading the book of Esther, we learn about an obedient, Jewish young lady, raised by her cousin, and called to be Queen of Persia. In chapter four, the “plot” thickens with Mordecai revealing a murderous scheme aimed at the Jewish people. In Esther 4:14, Mordecai reminds her if she fails at revealing this evil to the king, then deliverance for her people will come from somewhere else. He then poses the famous question, “Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Moving to verse 16, it is evident that Esther has answered this question in her heart, declaring her willingness to die for the Jews! (“…if I perish, I perish.”) God’s purpose for Esther was to save her people from extinction, and she evidenced her commitment by her willingness to die for the purpose set before her!
It’s very unlikely that God will call any of us to an “Esther-like” task, but that doesn’t mean whatever His purpose is for each one of us, isn’t as equally important. The fact is, God has something unique for everyone to accomplish, and until He calls us Home, it is our job to fulfill that purpose with as much “Esther-like” determination.
So how do we find what God’s will is for our lives? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up one morning and see it written across the sky? We don’t have to live in confusion, because God doesn’t desire to hide His purpose from us.
Whenever we come to a crossroads, where the way seems unclear, the immediate reaction is to seek advice. As long as it is Godly counsel, there’s nothing wrong with that, but seeking God’s face should always be our first reaction. After all, He knows the end from the beginning.
Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight thyself also in the Lord; and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” The key is our relationship with God. Spending time getting to know the God of our salvation (delighting), allows a replacement of our desires with desires He wants us to have. When coming to a crossroads, already desiring His will above our own, the next step will just come naturally! Verse 5 says, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” Commit means to “roll on”. So roll your desires onto the Lord, trust your next step to Him, and He will accomplish His will!
Even though we might not be called to save an entire race of people, knowing and determining to do God’s will is still very possible for everyone!